







這篇文章刊登於 12/12/2008 的自由時報花編副刊。我本來下的標題是:「豪華公寓驚魂夜」,本來還很得意自己難得想出這麼戲劇化的標題,沒想到被改得這麼有氣質。我妹說我自己下的標題是蘋果風,不是花編風(哭哭)。

巧合的是,刊出的當天,我收到 Johannes 的信,說我今年夏天在比利時跟他合作的論文被某期刊接受了。我就順便跟他說了這個故事。寫的時候很趕,因為要把電腦還我妹的,所以十五分鐘就寫完,完全就是我手寫我口。但我自己覺得英文版的,好像因此比較有我想要的緊張壓迫感。中文版的,因為酙酌過一會,而且為了符合字數,文字密度有點太高,跟我自己本來想要的樣子有點不一樣。


During my first visit in Mons, I was arranged to stay in a big, luxurious apartment. The flat was fantastic; however, I was frightened by the peculiar art work collected by the landlady. For example, there was a portrait of a naked lady in the bedroom and this mysterious lady stared at me when I was sleeping. The flat was fantastic. However, I was frightened by the peculiar art work collected by the landlady. For example, there was a portrait of a naked lady in the bedroom and this mysterious lady stared at me when I slept. You suggested me to take it down if I didn't feel comfortable. But the thing was, I was afraid that she really had spirits and I don't think she would be happy if I take her down.

One night when I was sleeping, I was waken up by a sound of music. The music was very light but I could not ignore it at all. I looked at the clock, it was 3.30 am sharp. It was really scary. I tried to ignore it; however, the music just did not stop.

I realised the music came from the living room so I went to the living room.

I eventually found out that the music was from a sculpture of a little boy.... I was completely terrified, I had to tell myself: 'I am a scientist! I am a scientist! There is no ghost no ghost!' I went to the sculpture and tried to convince myself that this sculpture was just a music box. I closed my eyes when I put my hand down the back of the sculpture (I guessed the switch was in the back of it) in case the little boy winked at me (I really didn't want to see it!)!

There was no switch, the sculpture was not a music box. However, my hand touched something....

It was an alarm clock. It just occurred to me that I took this alarm clock when I was cooking the previous night. I must have accidentally touched the botton and someone who used this alarm clock last time happened to set it to ring at 3.30 (nice choice!). The sound of the alarm clock happened to be like the music of an old old music box. All of these things made up a horrifying and unforgettable night for me.

Comment by my local supervisor in Mons:: Since that time, Belgium is known as the haunted country... Houuuuuuu houuuuuuu... : -))

Comment by Johannes:: What a story! That's really a Carol one :))
